The Easiest Dinner You'll Ever Make
Let's be honest, it's summer time. It's hot. And we just don't feel like cooking much. I mean, there is nothing appealing to me about standing over a hot stove cooking in the dead heat of summer at 5 pm during the week. As much as I wish I could solve it by doing some summertime grilling, the hubby isn't always up for getting the charcoal ready. (yes, I've begged for a gas grill but he won't give in!) So, that's left me desperate for a recipe that is quick, easy, and healthy.
I began my search and stumbled upon the ease of one pan dinner. These are dinners made solely using a 13x9 baking dish. After trying several different recipes from Pinterest, I finally made one up on my own. I tried it at the beginning of the week and it was a huge success. I have a very picky toddler at home and trying to find meals that we all can eat has proven to be a bit of a challenge. Both Jordan, the hubby, and Kruze, my son, devoured it! That's a big WIN in this mom's book!
So with out further ado, here is my first ever blogged recipe!
1 pkg Italian dressing mix
1 package of Turkey Sausage
1 pkg of Red Potatoes (The kind you can use for crawfish)
1 small yellow onion
2 green bell pepppers
1 red bell pepper
Extra Virgin olive oil
Garlic powder
To Bake:
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Line baking sheet with foil.
3. Cube half the bag of red potatoes.
4. Place the cubed potatoes in a gallon ziplock bag with the entire package of italian dressing mix, 1 tsp of salt and a couple of shakes of pepper. Coat the potatoes with olive oil, (about 1/4 cup). Seal the bag and shake to completely coat the potatoes.
5. Place the potatoes evenly across the lined dish and place in the oven. Roast potatoes for 20 mins. Turning halfway through.
6. While the potatoes are cooking, slice the remaining ingredients, sausage, bell peppers and onion. I only chopped up 1/2 of the onion but feel free to use as much as you feel your family will like.
7. After 20 mins, pull out the cooked potatoes and push them all to one side of the dish. Add the sausage and the veggies to the other side.
8.Slightly drizzle olive oil over the top and season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste.
9. Cook for an additional 15 mins.
10. Take out, toss the veggies and sausage. Cook for an additional 5 mins.
11. Done and enjoy!
So there you have! I hope you all give it a try. What's great about this recipe is you can sub several different ingredients in to accommodate what your family likes the most! If you try it, I'd love to know!