The Ultimate Christmas Giveaway!
Can you believe it's actually the week of Christmas? I feel like 2016 came and went in the blink of an eye! It feels like just yesterday we were launching our website back in January. This year has brought so many new opportunities to Ruthie Grace and I am beyond grateful. We have seen a huge increase in our overall success but also we have had the opportunity to meet and connect with some really amazing women! As I reflect on the success of this last year, my heart is full of gratitude. I know that there are boutiques all over the world and internet that you could choose to shop at but the fact that you chose us, means more than you will ever know! I hope that this Christmas you are able to relax and enjoy your time with your loved ones! I pray the Lord blesses you during this season and that 2017 brings you a new fresh perspective!
To finish off the year, I wanted to do one last giveaway! It needed to be a good one, don't you think? We are giving away $250! Yeah girl, you can get ya some really cute clothes with that! :) Want to enter??? All the details are HERE--->> CLICK TO ENTER!
Oh and PS. MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR year end Sale the day after Christmas! Email subscribers will get FIRST dibs! We will be closed in store the day after Christmas but our sale will begin ONLINE.