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The Ruthie Grace Staff Story

    The idea for this specific blog post has been on my mind for a while, I just never really knew exactly how to say it. I didn’t know how to do it justice for how much it really means to me, so I have been putting it off. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago, I was sitting at a table with my staff at a surprise birthday party they put together for me. I was sitting there, listening to all of us laugh together and have great conversation. You know the kind. The kind of conversation that feeds your need for close friends and leaves your stomach hurting from laughter. 


  Over the course of that time, one of the girls who was sitting across from me begins talking about her new job. A little back story, her husband’s job got relocated, so she’s leaving us for Ft. Worth with her family. She was talking about how much she’s going to miss working at Ruthie Grace, or “RG”, as we refer to it. The perks to the job aren’t just cute clothes, they go beyond that. It was at this moment specifically, I knew I needed to write this blog. 


So, without further ado, here is our staff story. 


  When I first opened the doors to Ruthie Grace, I had my eyes set on three things. Clothes, Customers, and Money. I wanted to sell cute clothes, to have wonderful and loyal customers, and make money. Sounds right for a budding entrepreneur, doesn’t it? The one facet of RG that I never envisioned much were my employees. I always knew they would be a part of the equation, but NEVER, did I imagine the impact they would have on me, my business, and each other. 


  This past year, more than any, my employees have made a lasting impact on my life. Behind the scenes filling orders, entering inventory, and tagging merchandise; you don’t see much of who they are or hear their story, so that’s why I want to share it all with you. I know that RG isn’t the end game for all of them. Most of them, this is just a stopping place. A place to work while they continue on their journey to fulfill their future careers. But while they are here, I don’t take forgranted the time I have with them to help grow them as individuals, expand their knowledge of work ethic and business, as well as leave a lasting impression of what it is to be a Godly woman, mother, and wife. However, it’s not just about the opportunity for me to love on them, it’s the story that’s being written about the company that is Ruthie Grace. A company full of women experiencing so many different life stages and a place they can call “home” for just a brief time. 


  Speaking of their experiences, I want to tell you a little bit about some of them. You, just like me, will be amazed at all of them. And, you’ll be even more surprised to know that all of this has happened in the last year. So now more than ever, it’s obvious to me how important their job at RG is - at this specific time and how the Lord has so beautifully crafted this wonderful group of women. 


Ruthie Grace is made up 12 employees. 


*One of them is studying homeopathic medicine while working. Her brother is also fighting for his life with cancer.  Undergoing radiation, chemo-therapy, and waiting for his chance for immuno-therapy, she needs flexibility in her job to able to help care for him when he needs


*The employee who has been with RG the longest is a retired RN. Her husband is a pilot (now retired too!) and flies long trips often. While he’s gone, she helps us behind the scenes.


*We have one employee who has been battling a life long illness. After countless medications and trials, Ruthie Grace has given her a place to work and keeps her mind off things. Her health has improved drastically and she will tell you, “Ruthie Grace has saved my life!”


*Another girl is actively pursuing her career as a professional sports team dancer. By working at Ruthie Grace, she has the ability to train for her try-outs. She also leads a youth bible study for her church. Since the majority of her job is web-based, she can create the flexibility she needs to work and passionately pursue her dreams!


*We have two employees who were homeschooled! (PS: They are my favs! I’ve had the privilege of working with several girls who were homeschooled and I have always been so impressed!) Ruthie Grace fit right into their schedules and studies. They are both now working on degrees for their future career. 


*One of our staff is adopted. Her parents are missionaries and they were able to adopt her at the age of 10. She is now the oldest of 6 kids and works for us here in the States. She recently finished her degree at a Bible college and will be continuing on her education this fall. She has impacted us in a huge way!


*This story has to be the most profound for me. This past year, we had a mother approach us about working in our warehouse. Her daughter had a metabolic genetic disorder and needed full time care. However, looking for a place to get out of the house, she was able to come to work with us and bring her sweet baby girl. We enjoyed that baby so much and we spent many days talking to her like she was another employee just like us! She went home to be with Jesus in January. I know I can speak for my entire staff when I say we were all impacted by that baby and her mom! 


*Another employee has 3 children and stays home with them. Ruthie Grace is her place of work once a week where she can bring her kids for a few hours, get some work done, and contribute to her household income.


*** And finally, me. The first employee of Ruthie Grace. I’m a mom of two boys and juggling work is hard sometimes. I’m sure there are so many of you that can relate. But, because of this job, I can spend time with my babies. I can work from home if I need to or from my office when I need an escape. 


   Ruthie Grace is a for-profit business but we are actively investing in women. Every purchase that you make goes back into the pockets of our employees who are battling for their lives (some of them literally). We are putting time and love into the women who work here and helping them along their life journey. It’s not just a job, it’s an outreach. 


   So when I think of it, this blog post really is about thanking all of you. Thanking each of you who have ever made a purchase with us. Without you, we wouldn’t get to create this workplace and community. Without you, we wouldn’t have the income to provide for these girls. So thank you! Thank you! 

   I hope you enjoyed this raw and vulnerable blog post. I’ve been wanting to share it for a while and I’ve finally did it! If you want to get to know our staff a little better, we will be posting behind the scenes Insta-stories over on our Instagram page. You can find us at . Find our HIGHLIGHT story on our main page titled “RG GALS” and you can get to know fun facts about them! 


Praying many blessings over each of you! 

-Tara, @taraaustin1 

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